250123 - LARGE Nice African Aduno Koro Dogon Holder - Mali.
Mali: LARGE Nice African Aduno Koro Dogon Holder
Size: 61 cm long and 23 cm high.
In this box, the heads of two horses are equipped with reins, representing Nommo's transformation into horse form.
The lizard-like creature on the lid represents ayo geu, a black crocodile that Nommo killed after he had completed his task of guiding the ark.
This Dogon box is dated second half of the 20th century and comes with a certificate of Authenticity.
Handmade African Dogon Horse Holder with Nommo Figures and Sun Lizard Symbols, Large Dogon Sculpture. This wooden pot ceremonial box embodies the ancestral descent of the Dogon from heaven to earth. Perfect for storing active medicinal preparations with healing power. Beautify your space with this symbolic figurative box Dogon.
Unique African Dogan Mali Aduno Koro wooden pot ceremonial box with ritual vessel: horse with figures. Decorated with intricate bas-relief motifs and horse heads, this sculpture pays tribute to the cosmogony and esotericism of the Dogon culture. Resonate with ancient traditions with this figurative Dogon box. Discover the symbolism behind this ceremonial vessel of the Dogon (ark of the world). This ancient dish is carefully handmade and embodies the arrival of Nommo and the gods of the Dogon pantheon on earth. Commemorate ancient rituals with this ceremonial container, following the cultural heritage and spiritual beliefs of the Dogon.