250307 - Rare African Cikunza helmet dance Chokwe mask - Angola.


Extremly Rare old African Cikunza helmet dance mask from the Chokwe, Angola.
Cikunza Mask for the Makishi Dance.
Height: 40 cm.

Dated fromthe mid tof the 20th century and with Certificate of Authenticity.

The populous Chokwe people of Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zambia are known as some of the most skilled wood carvers in Africa. They resisted colonization far longer than most peoples of the region, despite repeated incursions by the Portuguese and other Europeans.

The Chokwe use masks in many contexts. The Makishi (dead) dance is performed at the end of adult initiation rituals for boys, called Mukanda, primarily in Zambia. The Cikunza mask represents an ancestor and is worn by an older man to teach boys the knowledge they will need as men, particularly relating to hunting and sexual relationships. Unlike most African masked dancers, the Cikunza does not wear a raffia fiber suit, but instead paints his body in bright geometric patterns. After the boys are circumcised, the newly minted adults remove the masks from their relatives and swear an oath to maintain the secrets of their identities.