250318 - Old & Heavy African solid Bronze Funeral Yombe sculpture - Congo.
Heavy Solid bronze African Funeral Yomby statue.
With beautiful elaborate details and a beautiful, old patina.
Size 13.5 cm and 1.6 kilo
This Bronze Yombe statue is dated from the first half of the 20th century and is coming with a certificate of authenticity.
The Yombe bronze funeral figures are known for their realistic depictions.
The art of Yombe statues and statues is well known, usually objects of prestige, kings sitting on the throne, or female phemba (motherhood) statues. Nkisi nkonde statues, masks and drums are also made for ceremonies.
The supreme god of the Yombe is Ngoma Bunzi, who comes from an unreachable realm called Yulu. He is contacted through Nzambi a Tsi (earth spirits) and Simbi (river spirits). The Yombe people build shrines as memorials to prominent ancestors, such as village chiefs who have special powers. The Yombe people of northern Zambia believe that people have three different identities: biological, social and spiritual. Their social status affects the type of funeral that can be given.
Ex Belgium Private Collection.